
Financial Health Checkup

Welcome to the Financial Health Checkup! 
This quick test is designed to help you assess your current financial health based on key principles from our "10 Vital Items for Doctors to Retire Wealthy" guide you will receive after you complete the Assessment.
Answer the following 10 questions honestly to get a clear picture of your financial well-being. Your score will highlight areas of strength and identify opportunities for improvement, guiding you on the path to financial tranquility and a prosperous retirement.

Bonus for Completion: Once you complete the assessment, you'll receive a complimentary copy of the guide, "10 Vital Items for Doctors to Retire Wealthy." This valuable resource contains actionable insights and strategies to help you develop a wealthy and stress-free retirement. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take proactive steps toward your financial goals!

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 11

1. Do you regularly review your financial health, including your practice's revenue, your personal assets, liabilities, and expenses?


No, I rarely or never review my financial health.


Yes, I review my financial health regularly, at least two or more times a year.

Question 2 of 11

2. Do you actively seek out financial education through books, courses, workshops, or financial coaches?


Yes, I actively seek financial education, through various sources such as books, workshops, and financial news.


No, I do not seek financial education.

Question 3 of 11

3. Have you minimized your high-interest debt, such as medical school loans or credit card debt?


No, I have not set clear financial goals


Yes, I have set specific and measurable financial goals for my future.

Question 4 of 11

4. Have you created and followed a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your medical career's unique challenges and opportunities? 


No, I don't have a Financial Plan.


Yes, I have my Financial Plan that I follow.

Question 5 of 11

5. Have you minimized your high-interest debt, such as credit card debt? 


No, I have significant high-interest debt, like medical school loans or credit card debt.


Yes, I have no high-interest debt, including medical school loans.

Question 6 of 11

6. Do you regularly invest a portion of your income in diversified assets to build wealth over time? 


Yes, I invest regularly in diversified assets.


No, I don't invest regularly.

Question 7 of 11

7. Do you have adequate insurance coverage, including health, disability, life, malpractice insurance, and any additional coverage specific to your practice?



Yes, I have adequate insurance coverage, including malpractice insurance and other necessary policies for my practice.


No, I feel I lack adequate insurance coverage.

Question 8 of 11

8. Do you have a retirement plan in place and regularly contribute to it?


No, I do not have a retirement plan or do not contribute regularly.


Yes, I have a retirement plan and contribute regularly.

Question 9 of 11

9. Have you created a comprehensive estate plan, including writing a will and setting up trusts and other necessary documents to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes? 


No, I have not created an estate plan.


Yes, I have an estate plan in place with all the necessary documents.

Question 10 of 11

10. Do you prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of your medical practice to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance?


No, I mainly work and struggle to find time for myself and my family.


Yes, I prioritize those activities and ensure my career doesn’t consume all my time and energy.

Question 11 of 11

Do you currently practice as a Physician, Surgeon, or in another medical specialty?

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